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Should feminine hygiene products be available for free?
in Politics


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  • @CYDdharta people in this thread say it's ok for women to not use anything at all. If that's the case then why should any woman spend money on any hygiene products when it's acceptable to spread blood around? You think I'm arguing the pro side here when all I'm doing is confronting one of the points made by the con side to show it's not really a viable solution. For what it's worth I don't think that would ever even be close to a common thing, but it's not acceptable to tell people in society that it's ok to just go around bleeding on things
  • @WordsMatter ;

    Getting proper hygiene products is their duty, not their peers'.

    I do not think I will be wrong if I say that there is not a single person in America that cannot afford a tampon. Worst case scenario, if you have nothing but your skin, you can beg for a few minutes on the streets and collect enough money to buy a tampon.
  • @MayCaesar that's not my point. My point is the people in the con position in this thread saying just bleed freely is a bad argument
  • edited October 2018
    @MayCaesar that's not my point. My point is the people in the con position in this thread saying just bleed freely is a bad argument

    Only one person in this entire thread has said women can bleed freely, and (s)he didn't say that was a preferred method. 
  • WordsMatterWordsMatter 458 Pts
    edited October 2018
    @CYDdharta and in my first post I addressed that it was targeted at those who said that. One person or 500, I made it clear I was arguing against that point from the start
  • @CYDdharta and in my first post I addressed that it was targeted at those who said that. One person or 500, I made it clear I was arguing against that point from the start
    In every reply you've made to me, you have stated "people".  People is more than one. 
  • WordsMatterWordsMatter 458 Pts
    edited October 2018
    @CYDdharta ok crucify me. Sorry I should have directed it at one person, or I should have said I directed it at that agreement in general. Congrats you win
  • What? What kind of debate is this?  :expressionless:
    “Communism is evil. Its driving forces are the deadly sins of envy and hatred.” ~Peter Drucker 

    "It's not a gun control problem, it's a cultural control problem."
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  • Should food be free? What about gas, clothing, phones...? There are a near infinite number of products people need for everyday life in western society that they didn't choose to need. Should the government therefore provide everything in that category?
  • firstly it's impossible to make they free,  free =/= no cost, someone is paying for it.  Second women have existed for a very long time before these products existed, so to think women need them at no cost is nonsensical.  Consider the poor, especially in the sh1t hole or 3rd world countries, you think they have access to the various colorful, heavily advertised products available in the U.S.?  They seem to manage w/o them don't they.
    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood"
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